martes, 24 de abril de 2007


How many years will be required for a radioactive material like Uranium to disappear after a reactor explodes like in the terrible nuclear accident occurred in Chernobyl and what are their long-term effects?
Like 1520 million years approximately, their effects are unhealthy borned child, deformations on living beings, and contamination in the environment.

Can a fly or temperature of a corpse help in finding the time of death ?
Yes, there are methods like Newton's law of cooling, in which the temperature of the body can determine an approximation in the time of death, plus also by counting the number of flies around the body, you can have an estimated time also.

Why a painting of the Dutch painter Vermeer de Delft, titled Christ at Emaus, was withdrawn from the Boymans of Rotterdam Museum in 1945 after a painter named Hans van Meegeren declared publicly that the painting was a forgery? How was it proved that it was really a forgery?
They used a technique in which they applied different pigments and methods, to calculate the years that it had, and they discovered it was fake, it wasn't that old.

Reflection time
What do you think is the most important thing you learned through this WebQuest?

Well, it was fun to learn how to mix technology, murders and math, to learn an actual calculus application via internet. It was different, but original.

Would you recommend the use of a WebQuest to learn Mathematics or some other Science subject?
It depends on the subject, but for this type of cases like murder we wrote,

domingo, 8 de abril de 2007

The Math Detectives

One murder, many problems, too many suspects, one guilty, math detectives did it again!
We got together, and we recorded our video in which we solved the mistery using Newton's way. We did a lot of teamwork, and we finally finished it.
We had a lot of fun doing it, we went to marion's house, to our school and to the hospital, we had a few problems but at the end everything got together and we succeded.
In this free week I went to Atotonilco, to "misiones", and it was awesome, we helped all its citizens, and made them get closer to God, and away from drugs and alcohol! I recommend this type of activity to everyone, because it helps you grow as a person in a huge way..

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2007

This week..

Well this weeks have been great, because there has been tons of parties and exams and projects, haha, so it hasn't been boring at all. About the project, well we are starting it, and we have plenty ideas of what to do to impress teacher Linda and all our classmates. We will be performing in an excellent way so we get the first place. On Saturday we did the TOEFL, which was really easy, even though many of us had a party a night before and we slept only a few hours, but that didn't affect us at all to make a great job.. Next week is my birthday, and I hope we finish the project before my day..

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2007


Ceneval was not that hard after all. I mean I finished it in 2 hours, and I still don't know if I will do good or bad, because at the moment I was like yes that's the answer, but then after I finished it, I started hearing some friends talking about answers, and my answers just didn't match at all with theirs. I think we all are going to do well in this test, because we studied for it through all our lives, and we are in TEC haha, so that would help (hopefully).

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2007

lunes, 26 de febrero de 2007

Week 7 Yeah Mazatlan!

1. What is the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
It’s a technique that involves the separation of variables to solve a problem. It’s used to know the time of death of a person by using its temperature.

2. What variables in your problem correspond with the variables in the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
When they found the body, t=0 the temperature was 96 degrees, and the room temperature changed from 75 to 70 in one hour, so we have to get the exact hours before 9:10 PM, and subtract them from the hour when the body was found to get the time of death.

3. According to this Law, at what time approximately the death happened?
It was between 8: 43 pm to 8: 55 pm, according to the Newton’s Law of Cooling.I think it was between 8: 50 and 8: 55 because the professor said he wasn’t sick, so if we leave out the times we used during he was supposedly sick that leave us to that range of time.

4. How does the room temperature affect the time of death?
When someone dies, the person’s body temperature starts equaling with the room temperature, so you can get the time of death by analyzing the speed of temperature changes in the body.

5. How does an illness (e.g. fever) affect the time of death?
It affects the temperature, because usually when you have a fever your temperature is a higher than normal.

6. How exact is the approximation of the Newton’s Law of Cooling for predicting the time of death?
In this case is very accurate, but there are other cases where the environmental temperature isn’t controlled so the answer couldn’t be that precise.

martes, 20 de febrero de 2007


4. What methods are commonly used to find the time of death?
° With the use of bowflies, by analyzing the eggs and larvae, a person can give an accuarate estimate of the time of death.
°Newtons law of cooling states, looks at the changes in temperature in the corpse.
°Calculating the aumont of certain substances after a period of time in the crime scene, and by analyzing other types of evidence.

5. What factors are considered in Algor Mortis?
°The region's weather.
°Body size.
°Inmersion in water.
°Movement and humidity of the air.

6. How does the environment affect the time of death?
°Because of its temperature, when the environment changes, the body temperature may change, and by that, professionals can get the results about how long has the body has been exposed. Therefore they get the death time.

7. What can you tell about the different methods of temperature reading of the body?
Do they make a difference in the results?
°Most scientists prefer the algor mortis method because its less complicated and more efficient, except that in tropical areas it isn't that accurate. There are other methods like bowflies or Newton, but are a lot more complicated than the algor mortis.

lunes, 5 de febrero de 2007

Week 4


Our team's name is The Math Detectives
We are:*Marion A. Elias Calles: media expert
*Alma Astorga Haro: Forensic Scientist*
Hector E. Ayala: math expert*
Ana Lilia Ruiz: journalist

1. What is forensic science?
It is the aplication of science to answer questions to the legal system, this is in relation to a crime or a civil action.

2. What kind of evidence can be collected in a murder case?
fingerprints, hair, footwear impressions, tire tracks, nails, etc...

3. Why is important to determine the time of death?
Because that's the way you find the guilty person, you can infer, for example if the suspect was at 8:30 with the dead person, and the dead person was killed at 8:30 you know that the suspect was the one that killed him.

In my personal opinion, I think this project will help us know why we have been studying math since we were babies. We will learn how math is really applied in life cases. It's not always about getting a sum correct, but to apply the answer to find out a real fact.

miércoles, 24 de enero de 2007

Week 3

Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)
We are usually convinced more easily by reasons we have found ourselves than by those which have occurred to others..."

Everytime we hear something, we first defend and speak out our own words or opinions before someone says something else about it. People don't change their way of thinking until someone proves them wrong.

domingo, 21 de enero de 2007

Semana del 15 al 19 de Enero del 2007

Esta semana fue algo diferente en terminos de la clase de cálculo. Aprendimos como aplicar las matemáticas en un concepto totalmente diferente al de siempre. Ya no es sumar y restar para sacar 100 si no para resolver problemas de allá afuera, del mundo. Todo eso de métodos para resolver aproximaciones de errores, son cosas que se aplican en la vida diaria y es para lo que nos estamos preparando al ir a la escuela.

Math "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"

¿Por qué piensas que esta actividad comienza con la frase de Martin Luther King Jr.?
Yo pienso que la idea de poner la frase al principio es para que mentalmente nos vayamos preparando para siempre resolver nuestras dudas y problemas, no nomas en la clase si no en todo. Si nos quedamos callados y nos guardamos las dudas o problemas puede ser peor, en cambio, vivimos para demostrar que estamos vivos y una manera de demostrarlo es conviviendo con las personas y pidiendo ayuda expresandoles lo que sentimos o lo que vemos.

¿Cuándo piensas que puedes usar un blog en este curso?
Cuando quiera demostrar o expresar mis ideas acerca de lo que veo en el curso, incluso para pedir ayuda o de perdida mostrar interés por ello.