lunes, 26 de febrero de 2007

Week 7 Yeah Mazatlan!

1. What is the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
It’s a technique that involves the separation of variables to solve a problem. It’s used to know the time of death of a person by using its temperature.

2. What variables in your problem correspond with the variables in the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
When they found the body, t=0 the temperature was 96 degrees, and the room temperature changed from 75 to 70 in one hour, so we have to get the exact hours before 9:10 PM, and subtract them from the hour when the body was found to get the time of death.

3. According to this Law, at what time approximately the death happened?
It was between 8: 43 pm to 8: 55 pm, according to the Newton’s Law of Cooling.I think it was between 8: 50 and 8: 55 because the professor said he wasn’t sick, so if we leave out the times we used during he was supposedly sick that leave us to that range of time.

4. How does the room temperature affect the time of death?
When someone dies, the person’s body temperature starts equaling with the room temperature, so you can get the time of death by analyzing the speed of temperature changes in the body.

5. How does an illness (e.g. fever) affect the time of death?
It affects the temperature, because usually when you have a fever your temperature is a higher than normal.

6. How exact is the approximation of the Newton’s Law of Cooling for predicting the time of death?
In this case is very accurate, but there are other cases where the environmental temperature isn’t controlled so the answer couldn’t be that precise.

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